To Do:
- Figure out your goals, dream, purpose, why, etc. If you don’t have a business, you can still do this for your family and life goals.
- Decide how you want display your dream board. An actual board or a virtual board?
- Make time to work on it.
- Get together photos, quotes, etc. for your board.
- Get a photo of you for the middle of your board.
- Use Pinterest
- Think outside the box
- Use old magazines
- Print out quotes
- Create an image board
- Find inspirational photos.
How to Stay Organized:
Once a Month
- Look at your dream board with detail (about 10 minutes)
Every 3-6 Months
- Update board. (Remember to keep it fresh).
- Make sure you are on track
Once a Year
- Create a new board for new ideas/projects.
- Look at board and make changes.
My Personal Tips:
- Share your goals/visions with others. They can also help keep you accountable.
- If you own a business and have business partners, share your dream/goals with them. They can help you get where you want to be.
- Enjoy what you are doing.
- Keep your board in a place that you will see it daily.
Originally posted on a blog by as "How to create a business dreamboard"