Monday, February 27, 2017

Virtually Fat Free

Body image is often on my mind. Even though I eat fat-free, it's hard to avoid being obese. Who makes those definitions (overweight vs. obese) anyways?

Virtually Fat Free

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Dream Quote - George Carlin

“Some people see things that are and ask. Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask. Why Not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.”
~ George Carlin 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Steps to Lucid Dreaming

I'm following Lucid Addiction ( who posts really cool dream images and quotes. I found this guide there; it is based on the instructions in the Lucid Dreaming Subreddit at Content of this Infographic is subject to change.
This Infographic draft was made by user gcarolian. 6/26/2012.
The Steps to Lucid Dreaming

Monday, February 20, 2017

Women Against Rice Cakes

This collage attempts to compare healthy foods with fattening foods, and show the consequences of eating each.

Women Against Rice Cakes

Monday, February 13, 2017

Creating a Dream Collage

You see things; and you say, “Why” But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
~George Bernard Shaw  

One of the most powerful things you can do toward creating your dream life is to create a dream collage that you gaze upon (or meditate on) prior to entering dreamland.

I know someone whose entire life changed as a result of hanging her dream collage over her bed. She began dreaming about her collage and thinking about it throughout the day. Within a few months, she went from waffling in her career and being virtually homeless (couch surfing), to ultimately being recognized by the Queen of England for being one of the most successful (and empowering) female entrepreneurs in the UK! 

Here’s what to do:

1. Line up energetically with that which dreamed you.In other words, imagine or feel your connection with Source, God, Goddess, Love/Intelligence that governs the universe.
2. Revisit your “Declaration” (from day two) to get clear about what you want…what you really, really, really, really want…to feel, to have, to be, to do…all the way at the core of your being (not just on the surface, ego level.)
3. Create a Dream Collage by cutting images out of a magazine (or on-line with Pinterest or Oprah’s “O Dream Board”) to incorporate your desires. Here’s a suggestion of the different domains of your life in which to find images:

     • Spirit
     • Health/Fitness
     • Relationship/Family
     • Work/Career
     • Finances
     • Sex/Intimacy
     • Rest/Recreation
     • Charity/Philanthropy
     • Travel/Bucket List

Give yourself permission to create without editing. And please don’t think you initially need to be overly spiritually mature. This is an opportunity for you to play and get your yayas out. By giving yourself permission to play in the sandbox of making the kind of fanciful collage of your wildest desires, with no holds barred, you’ll discover aspects of your desire and destiny that never occurred to you before.

It is important that you engage in this process in a fun and playful way. Know that it is safe to swing out and envision all you’ve ever desired, as well as all that you never knew you desired. Once it’s all out in plain view, your spirit will rise up like the phoenix through the flames.

This collage is not one to get attached to as is. Think of it as a living, breathing entity in constant change. Shift this collage, add to it, and discard elements that are no longer relevant. Tend to it. Keep it fresh, organic, and up to the minute reflection of your ever-changing, ever-evolving, ever-awakening, ever-activating soul.

 In a word, how does your dream collage make you feel?

First published at:

"Love and Marriage" series

This collage series on 'love and marriage' is a light-hearted look at some of the ingredients that go into a good relationship. It evolved over the course of a few years, in repsonse to my divorce. Single life is fulfilling, but I'm ready to start dating. For right now, "Who Needs Marriage?

Who Needs Marriage?
Love is a wonderful feeling. Romantic love can make the world feel brighter and more complete. Is it too soon to ask, "Am I more attracted to the feeling or the person?"

Romatic Love
I'll be the first to admit, getting naked with someone I love is way better than any 'friends with benefits' type of situation. Could shared interests, mutual respect, caring honesty, trusted intimacy, and committed sex be the ingredients of a lasting relationship?

After the relationship has been established, then the real fun begins. Who used the last sheet of toilet paper? Who's cooking dinner tonight? Where will we vacation together this year? Learning to share the same space, even if for a fleeting moment, is love's biggest adventure.

His & Hers

Friday, February 10, 2017

Dream Quote - Harriet Tubman

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
~ Harriet Tubman 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How to Collage Journal

I'm enjoying the creativity and collages of an artist @StarGardener who I met on Twitter. Her blog is found at: She continually nurtures and encourges the blooming artist in each of us. Check out her "How to Collage Journal".

Monday, February 6, 2017

Healthy Body vs Sexy Body series

What's the difference between a healthy body and a sexy body? Eating smaller portionsand choosing healthy foods over fattening foodscan help reduce weight. Ultimately I've found that if I'm not getting regular exercise, it's difficult to build and maintain a strong body.

Fear Less (Always Believe)
Is it important to be skinny at any cost? Do models, actors, boxers, and jockeys struggle with eating less to meet weight limits? I guess healthy body wins: I can imagine running a marathon, but I'm not interested in winning a beauty contest. How about you?

Women Against Rice Cakes
How healthy do I feel in my birthday suit? Are there new shapes thanks to 20 years of compounded gravity weighing down my aging body parts? Do I compare my body to those in magazines or at the gym? Do I honor each wrinkle and curve the same as I do the wisdom I've collected over the years?

Nude With Attitude
Who says healthy living can't also taste yummy? With the variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and other foods, who needs the sugar-laden alternatives? When I want to indulge, moderation is the key to me staying on trackand to avoid feeling guilty for eating too much.

Body image is often on my mind. Even though I eat fat-free, it's hard to avoid being obese. Who makes these categories anyways?

Virtually Fat Free
I love having a healthy body image going into a relationship; it makes me feel sexy. Like most folks, I'm self-conscious without clothes. When my partner smiles, naked is just another state of being.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Dream Quote - William Faulkner

“Always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
~ William Faulkner